Understand the cause of neck pain

Poor posture is one of the biggest underlying causes of neck pain.

Neck pain is the result of muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones and discs being under constant strain and pressure. Neck pain is one of the most common conditions people present to Posture HQ needing help with.

The human head weighs approximately 4.5kg - 5kg. If your head falls forward of your centre of gravity, the muscles surrounding your head and neck will contract to hold your head up. This creates overuse of these tissues which is what causes pain and tension through the neck. Many people who 'carry their stress’ in their neck often have a forward head carriage or forward head posture.

For most who have this forward head posture with neck pain, referred tension headaches become a common problem also see section on Headaches here.

Traditional approaches to neck pain focus only on the tight muscles and tissues of the neck. This tends to provide only temporary relief. Eventually the muscles will again get tight and painful as they continue to compensate for the forward head posture.

At PostureHQ, we understand the mechanics of the body as well as anyone. Using a new method of chiropractic known as Advanced BioStructural Correction™ (or ABC™ for short), we are able to correct your underlying poor forward posture allowing the muscles, ligaments, bones and discs which are under constant tension to finally relax. By correcting the underlying poor posture, we have great success with clients of all ages with neck pain, often providing permanent relief of pain.

Struggling with neck pain?

Book Your $85 initial consultation with our team today

Initial consultation, comprehensive examination, posture analysis, and first ABC™ adjustment
(RRP $180)

Feel the benefits of ABC™ care

Click below to claim your $85 initial consultation and schedule your appointment with our chiropractors Dr Elizabeth Borham or Dr Carlyle Jenkins.